New Vocal Techniques
for Jazz & Modern Music

Book with CD by Niranjan Jhaveri

Available from:
In USA from Ingrid Van Shipley, 85-50 Forest Parkway, Apt. 6-M
Woodhaven, NY 11421 (Tel/Fax 718 296 1281)
OR from:
Niranjan Jhaveri, 26 B.G. KHER MARG, BOMBAY 400 006, India
Price: US $29.95 + $4 S&H
Website: Jazz India Vocal Institute

Norman Simmons: Pianist specializing in accompanying vocalists such as Betty Carter, Anita O'Day, Carmen McRae, Joe Williams; Artistic Director of the Thelonious Monk jazz Vocal Competition and teacher at William Patterson College: "Your concepts are truly a bright light for this new generation of singers in jazz, many are currently lost. I intend to apply your ideas immediately.. I feel that the seed of your ideas needs to be planted in the institutions .. giving you due credit for your vision and pioneering… would like very much to be effective in bringing your refreshing ideas of vocal flexibility for the jazz-vocal tradition into fruition."

DOWN BEAT: If you are into scatting, screaming or just plain singing, be sure to check out New Vocal Techniques for Jazz & Modern Music by Niranjan Jhaveri. This book/CD package comes chock full of suggestions on how to incorporate aspects of Indian singing into jazz.

London based American Dr. Henry Pleasants, famed author and specialist for all vocal music (opera to jazz to popular): I find it a splendid piece of work, very well and very informatively organized. I doubt that many jazz singers will have the patience to undertake the hard work and concentration required for mastery of your techniques, but let's hope that some may try!

Germany's Jazz Podium: Jhaveri bases his methods on his experiences gained at numerous workshops in North America and Europe… He regards it as an asset that vocal jazz is no longer solely based on "lyrics" but have evolved into varied versions of expression... The listening examples make possible initially the comprehension of the Indian "Srutis", embellishments and their microtones.. It is definitely worth taking part in one of the workshops conducted by Niranjan Jhaveri.

JazzTimes (of USA)....application and use (of these techniques) would have the double effect of updating singers ability to match those of the horns..surely adventuresome singers will relish a technically expanding challenge..

Gunther A.Schuller : "Your project is very worthy".

Michele Weir, of Int'nal Association of Jazz Educators Solo Vocal Division:"…a very well conceived description of basic classical Indian vocal techniques."

Norway's Randy Hultin:He has really worked hard with the book, it is filled with interesting information … and presents Indian vocal music and vocal exercises and talks about Bobby McFerrin and Clark Terry's mumbling…scat singing which is similar to Indian TARANA.

Comments on Indian vocal techniques:

Leonard Feather: "I found them (Indian vocals) very interesting. I believe the singing techniques might be studied and imitated by American singers".

Classical violinist Yehudi Menuhin: "I have always admired the extraordinary agility and precision with which the Indian voice is controlled - as if it were an instrument outside the body."'

John Hammond (CBS A&R): "…and we had given up hope that there was anything new left under the sun... Ella should hear that!"

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